Record Content

From Guide

Open your DISH Anywhere app and make sure you're logged in before following the steps below.

  1. Select Guide.

    Guide navigation option at the bottom of the DISH Anywhere phone app
  2. If applicable, select a Guide category.

    Category drop-down above the guide, with a list of categories like Movies, Shows, and Family
  3. If applicable, select the date that the event will air on.

    Date drop-down above the guide
  4. If applicable, swipe to your desired time.

    Time of day in half-hour increments at the top of the guide
  5. Swipe to and select the program you want to record.

    Channel guide in the DISH Anywhere phone app
  6. Select the Record icon.

    Button to record the selected program
  7. If applicable, select New Episodes or All Episodes.

    Recording options for the selected program
  8. You will see a confirmation of your timer.

    Confirmation alert at bottom of screen

Open your DISH Anywhere app and make sure you're logged in before following the steps below.

  1. Select Guide.

    Guide navigation option at the bottom of the DISH Anywhere tablet app
  2. If applicable, select a Guide category.

    Category options above the guide
  3. If applicable, select the date that the event will air on.

    Date menu on the guide
  4. If applicable, swipe to your desired time.

    Time of day in half-hour increments at the top of the guide
  5. Swipe to and select the program you want to record.

    Channel guide in the DISH Anywhere tablet app
  6. Select the Record icon.

    Button to record the selected program
  7. If applicable, select New Episodes or All Episodes.

    Options to select new, all, or this episode
  8. You will see a confirmation of your timer.

    Recording timer confirmation message

Visit and log in with your username and password.

  1. Select Guide.

    Guide navigation option at the top of the DISH Anywhere website
  2. If applicable, select your desired category.

    Categories like Movies, Shows, and Family above the guide
  3. If applicable, select your desired day.

    Date drop-down above the guide
  4. If applicable, arrow to and select to your desired time.

    Time of day in half-hour increments at the top of the guide
  5. Select the program you want to record.

    Channel guide on the DISH Anywhere website
  6. Select Record if you want to set a one-time recording.

    Button to record the selected program
  7. Select Rec Options if you want to set a timer.

    Button to set recording options for the selected program
  8. Choose your settings and select Set Timer.

    Recording options like when to start and end and how many to keep

  1. Select Guide.

    Guide button on the top of DISH Anywhere app
  2. Locate the channel the program will be on.

    Channel guide on the DISH Anywhere app
  3. If applicable, scroll to the right to select the correct date and time, then select the record icon.

    Button to record selected instance of program
  4. If applicable, select the desired timer settings.

    Recording options and settings for the selected program
  5. Recording successfully set message will appear.

    Recording timer confirmation message

From Search

Open your DISH Anywhere app and make sure you're logged in before following the steps below.

  1. Select the Search icon from the home screen

    Magnifying glass icon at the top of the DISH Anywhere phone app home screen
  2. Enter your desired search term and select Search.

    Search term entered in the search bar at the top of the DISH Anywhere phone app
  3. As you type, a drop-down will appear with predictive content based on what you have typed in the Search field. You may also select the program you want to watch from this drop-down.

    List of possible titles based on your search term
  4. From the landing page press the record icon.

    Button to record the selected program
  5. If applicable, select New Episodes or All Episodes.

    Option to record new episodes or all episodes
  6. You will see a confirmation of your timer.

    Confirmation alert of scheduled recording

Open your DISH Anywhere app and make sure you're logged in before following the steps below.

  1. Select the Search icon from the home screen

    Magnifying glass icon at the top of the DISH Anywhere tablet app home screen
  2. Enter your desired search term and select Search.

    Search term entered in the search bar at the top of the DISH Anywhere tablet app
  3. As you type, a drop-down will appear with predictive content based on what you have typed in the Search field. You may also select the program you want to watch from this drop-down.

    List of possible titles based on your search term
  4. From the landing page press the record icon.

    Option to record on program details page
  5. If applicable, select New Episodes or All Episodes.

    Options to select new episodes or all episodes
  6. You will see a confirmation of your timer.

    Recording timer confirmation message

Visit and log in with your username and password.

  1. Select the magnifying glass icon.

    Magnifying glass icon at the top of the DISH Anywhere website screen
  2. Enter your desired search term and press Enter/Return on your keyboard.

    Search term entered in the search bar at the top of the DISH Anywhere website
  3. As you type, a drop-down will appear with predictive content based on what you have typed in the Search field. You may also select the program you want to watch from this drop-down.

    List of possible titles based on your search term
  4. Select the program you want to record.

    Grid of programs matching the search term
  5. If applicable, select the episode you want to record from the guide carousel.

    button to record the selected program
  6. Select Record if you want to set a one-time recording.

    Button to record the selected program
  7. Select Rec Options if you want to set a timer.

    Button to set recording options for the selected program
  8. Choose your settings and select Set Timer.

    Recording options like when to start and end and how many to keep

  1. Select Search.

    Magnifying glass icon at the top of the DISH Anywhere app
  2. Type in the name of the program you want to record.

    Search term entered in the search bar at the top of the DISH Anywhere app
  3. Highlight and select the desired program.

    List of possible titles based on your search term
  4. Highlight and select the record option on the program's landing page. If applicable, select the desired timer settings after the record option is selected.

    Recording options and settings for the selected program
  5. Recording successfully set message will appear.

    Recording timer confirmation message

From Sports

Open your DISH Anywhere app and make sure you're logged in before following the steps below.

  1. Select Sports.

    Sports navigation option at the bottom of the DISH Anywhere phone app
  2. Locate the game you wish to record.

    Grid of upcoming sports games to record
  3. Select the record icon.

    Button to record the selected game
  4. Select your desired timer settings, then Save.

    Options for how to record the selected game
  5. "Recording successfully set" message will appear.

    Confirmation alert of scheduled recording

Open your DISH Anywhere app and make sure you're logged in before following the steps below.

  1. Select Sports.

    Sports navigation option at the bottom of the DISH Anywhere tablet app
  2. Locate the game you wish to record.

    Grid of games available
  3. Select the record icon.

    Option to record on the program details page
  4. Select your desired timer settings, then Save.

    Recording options and settings for the selected game
  5. "Recording successfully set" message will appear.

    Recording timer confirmation message

Visit and log in with your username and password.

  1. Select Sports.

    Sports navigation option at the top of the DISH Anywhere website
  2. If applicable, select your desired sport.

    Sport filter drop-down at the top of the screen
  3. If applicable, select your desired Sort option.

    Sort by drop-down at the top of the screen
  4. If applicable, select your desired date.

    Date buttons at the top of the screen
  5. Select the game you want to record.

    Grid of games matching the selected sport
  6. Select Record.

    Button to record the selected game
  7. Choose your settings and select Set Timer.

    Recording options like when to start and end and how many to keep